Hello! all bloggers. Today is the last day on the blog. I really don't know what to write. Ok! now I just wanted to tell all of you about my feeling when I saw my mum also my family happy and laugh all together....
I don't care when or where, big or small place, all I can stayed. I just wanted to stay with my family forever, but no one can live forever. Even I knew that my family cannot live with me forever, but....I wish and hope I have that time. And I wanted to see all of my family smile and laugh, happy all the time. Like my last holiday at Kompot. It was a great place and is the place that all of my family laugh and smile together. Wow!! that's time I feel really really good because I never saw all of my family laugh happily like that. I wanted to see my family like that all the time. For me nothing made me happy then I saw my family happy. I really have a lots of words to tell my grandfather but he already away from me . Before, I never thought that I will told every things which in my heart to my family because to shy. But I will tried to tell them one day.
All of my blog today is just wanted to tell that I really happy than ever when I saw my family happy. That's all of my blog today. Bye !!!-The End-
Good very good good post ^^
It is a nice post.
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