Last week is the day that I proud of myself.I was saving one person w
hen she in danger.Back then,I was walking in the forest alone.And I heard a girl voice so I followed that voice.On the way I saw a snake was speaking to me and I very scared.The snake said"Little girl!If you give me something!I will let you pass!". I said"I will give you my shoe!!!little snake!". Then I hit the snake with my shoe and the snake dead with happily.After that I continued to walk.Suddenly the tiger came out and it tried to bit me.And I saw a piece of wood next to my hand.Then I picked up the piece of wood to kill that tiger.But the mouse came and stared at tiger.The tiger was very scared and it ran away.The mouse ran after the tiger and shouted"STOP RUNNING!!!YOU IDIOT!!!!". I thought "why the tiger scare that mouse.maybe that tiger is crazy". Suddenly that voice became louder and louder.I followed that voice again.Immediately I saw a girl was running and i saw a bear was running after her too.Then I shouted at the bear"Hey stupid guy!! wanna play with me". The bear stopped follow that girl and stared at me.I scared but I braved too.I was holding a piece of wood so I took it to killed that bear.The bear was die and the girl safe.The girl said thank you to me.And I was very proud of myself that I could save one little girl from that bear.....;P
well done
Nice Post
Thank u socheat
Thank u mini lovable
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