Hello everyone !! now I want to tell u about my funny friend in my khmer class .. His name is Piseth he is 14 y
ears old he studies at Chak To Muk school with me ..he is a kind of funny and crazy person that i had ever met ..
Everyday whenever teacher wasn't in the class he always make a funny sounds but it isn't the bad sounds and he is talkative he always told his classmate about the story that he try to think by him self likes scary story and funny story , he talk like crazy cus he think that when he do like this he could makes his classmate happy .sometime he was a bad person to because of he talk alot while we are studying... he loves to dance and sing when it have a party he always try to make it funnier and funnier .. he always sing and dance like a crazy person he try to makes his classmate laugh by don't thinking about anything...
All my friend in my khmer class love him and like him ...
All my friend in my khmer class love him and like him ...
nice post.......
Thanks for telling us about your friend, Amara.
Who is the craziest student in YL10? :-)
Avengers >> thz fri ^^
Teacher >> i don't know : D
Good work, Nika. Do you think I'm alike him? :D
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