The Alien teacher
I don't know but today I got up early so I decided to go to school early and do my homework. When I got there, I had a problem with math so I went to the teacher's room to find Mr.Barnaby. I opened the door and was surprised to see that my teachers were all aliens. I don't believe it.
I was very scared about it and ran to my class I told everybody that our teacher is alien but they don't trust me. They said to me loudly that " I am a crazy and stupid boy because I look a lot of alien movie that make me think my teacher is alien". After that is a school times we wait the teacher per hour but we didn't see. Then I think " something that I saw this morning is a real problem it is not my movie that I looked last night ". I called my friend to go with me to teacher's room. Then he went with me. When I opened the door slowly it was a big happen me and my friend saw the alien again. My friend when he saw he ran shout and cry very very loudly and said "I don't want to be alien I want to go home I don't want to study here, Mum".
This time I didn't scared of them again because I already see it. I walked to that room slowly and close the door quickly and talked to them "Are you my teacher". They said "we are your teacher I became the alien because the father of alien came to the world and find the teacher to teach them. So he need to make all the teacher in the world become alien that is the problem. After I talked to them " So how could you became a human again" He Said maybe two or three days more I will became to human again and teach all of my student too. Because the father' alien he will know the human is alive they don't want to be alien like them they have a family if they go with them they will lost their family their wife their son,daughter and their friend too.
Three days ago, It is a school time again it a very happy and surprised time because we saw our teacher came and teach us again.
Good job.
your story is good.
your story is good. Good job man !!!!
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