THREE MONTHS LATTER: The eggs hatched there were a thousand of them they turned every human being in to aliens except me my six classmates and out parents we hid in the house and we had a meeting we called our friends that survived in other countries to make an army for rebellions because the whole world was under the aliens control we told the aliens the we will had a war the took 3 years and 31 days the battle was a tie no one won and no one lost the we signed a contact with the a liens the aliens returned to their planet and never came back.Nw the earth has peace and live happily ever after.
Monday, 23 July 2012
I don't know why but today I got up early so I decided to go to school early and do my homework. when I got there I had a problem with math so I went to the teacher room to find Mr.Barnaby. I opened the door and was surprised to see that my teachers were all aliens.
I ran to tell the principle but it was too late the principle turned in to the alien by Mr.Barnaby. I got freak out I ran to warn the students but they dident believe me suddenly the aliens came out and turned all of the students in to the aliens except me and my six classmates we hid in the class then we had a good plan we sneaked out to the lost and found room and wore costumes that looked aliens the we pretended to be aliens and went in to the alien space ship and found some grenades and some explosive things suddenly I had an idea we placed the grenades on the walls in the hall in the classrooms in the toilets in the ship in the park in the play ground and everywhere else. We set time to blow we ran out of the school as fast as possible then the whole school blowed out a few minutes latter the police arrived and our parents arrived too our parents asked what happened then we told them the truth but we made a big mistake we dident destroy the alien eggs it was in the basement.
THREE MONTHS LATTER: The eggs hatched there were a thousand of them they turned every human being in to aliens except me my six classmates and out parents we hid in the house and we had a meeting we called our friends that survived in other countries to make an army for rebellions because the whole world was under the aliens control we told the aliens the we will had a war the took 3 years and 31 days the battle was a tie no one won and no one lost the we signed a contact with the a liens the aliens returned to their planet and never came back.Nw the earth has peace and live happily ever after.
THREE MONTHS LATTER: The eggs hatched there were a thousand of them they turned every human being in to aliens except me my six classmates and out parents we hid in the house and we had a meeting we called our friends that survived in other countries to make an army for rebellions because the whole world was under the aliens control we told the aliens the we will had a war the took 3 years and 31 days the battle was a tie no one won and no one lost the we signed a contact with the a liens the aliens returned to their planet and never came back.Nw the earth has peace and live happily ever after.
Kungfu Pig
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Good job!!
Good job, Keep it up!!!!
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