I walked into the empty house. It was dark and I was alone. I feel a little bit scared .Then I continued to walk into that house and I said"Hello! anybody home?"."hello! anybody home?". the sound was come back."Hello! Hello" said I But no one answer.That house was dirty and have a lot of spider web."Krick Krak!!! Krick Krak!!"something happened. I heard that sound so I didn't move.I stopped doing any thing.... "krik Krak"I felt afraid but i also wanted to know what was that. I follow that sound and suddenly the bats was fly to me and fight me. But I moved to safe place. I remember that i was bring a flash light so I used it. Then I looked for the sound and used my flash light.
Then I saw something old clothes and it move. I take out the old clothes and I found the3 very very very very and very cute little rabbit in the basket and it have a latter in the basket.It said"Please rest them .it don't have any parent.I can't rest them because I have some resent .thank" So I decide to rest them and bring them to my home. I give them some carrots and milk.I think I call the white one JULIE and the gray one JELLY.What about the Big one? Oh! I call it JLY.
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