I walked into the empty house. It was dark and I was alone. Nobody lived in this house. This house was big, but It was dirty too. I walked around the house. I saw lots of picture on the wall. I though It was someone who lived in a house. It was a family photo. I saw a girl in the picture. she was pretty. Suddenly, I heard a sound at the second floor. Then I went the second floor. I saw lots of room and the black cat. Wow! It scared me. Then I decided to open the door of a room. It was dark. I used the flashlight. In this room was big and had a bad. The bad was beautiful, but It had many dust. If it had not the dust, it would be a wonderful room. I saw the photo on the wall. It was the photo of the girl again, so it was a girl's room. I wondered who was that girl? Then I took this photo. It was surprise me. It was the hold behind the photo. It was a book into its. I took that book. It was the daily book of that girl. I opened its, and I saw the photo of her family and her note. At the beginning, she wrote her name and her age. But I can not see her name clearly because it was the old book. Oh she was 18 year old. At the end of the book, I saw a photo of a boy. His name was Den. Then I put the book at the same place and I left the room. When I already left that room, the door closed. I was afraid, and I heard the sound. I died because of you! I hated you. She call a person name. It was the name of the boy in her book. Then I ran out of the house. After one year ago, I wondered about that house, and I went that house again. But I did not see the house. I found about an hour, but I can not see the house. I think Who was the boy that she call? What about her family?
Good :)
Thank Raza. I will read your story.
srey buy, your story was so good. your story did not scare but it was interested.
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