Monday 16 July 2012

Me and my family

    Hi! I am a new blogger, so I wanted to tell all of you about me. My name is Nika. I'm 13 years old. I am studied Khmer at Beltei 1, and studied English at ACE. I live with my mum, my dad, my grandmother, and my brother.
    My lovely cousins always comes to my house at the weekends and play with me especially my brother. In my free time I like watching TV, listening to the music and using Facebook. But I also help my mum to do housework, too. On the weekends, I usually go to the market with my mum but sometimes she lets me stay home. Me and my brother like to eat sweet like candies, chocolates and also some biscuits, too. The things that I don't like to do is wash the dishes but I still have to do it because I wanted to help my mum so even i like or I don't like I have to do it. I like to watch scary and funny movies but I don't like to watch alone, I like to watch with my family or my friends which have a lots of people. I like to eat meat because it have a lots of vitamins which is good for me. I don't really like to eat vegetables but i have to eat it everyday because it is very very good for me and it contains lots of proteins and vitamins which make me healthy and can make me grow bigger and bigger.
    That's about myself and also about my family. I hope you enjoy reading my blog and tell me how I write is good or bad i don't mind, I just wanted to know about my capable.


Unknown said...

Excellent first post, Nika!!

Keep up the good work and have fun on the blog this term!

Smart Group said...

I love your blog! You good and writing and a pretty photo. Good luck for your next blog :D

Dream said...

Thank you teacher Philip, I will work harder in this term thanks. And thank you avengers.

The Invincible Dragons said...

Hi ! Nika ur post is really good .. And I enjoyed reading .. And nice to be ur friend even m a new student but I like u ;)

The Invincible Dragons said...

Hi ! Nika ur post is really good .. And I enjoyed reading .. And nice to be ur friend even m a new student but I like u ;)

Dream said...

thank you Mini Lovable and nice to be ur friend, too.