Monday 16 July 2012

About me

My name 's sreyleap. I'm 15years old. I study khmer at Chbar Ampov high school and English i study at ACE. I study English at YL10. In free time I like watch TV read books  play badminton and do anything that i want to do.. But I bored, I go out with my brother or my cousin...... sometime I fighting with my brother and when my phone doesn't have money i will take a money from  my brother. He said that, he takes money to me at the last time. But when i take it again he gives it to me ,too... And i want to say some words to my family : I LOVE ALL OF YOU...........

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Sreyleap, it's good to see your first post on the 'Ten Ten Ten' blog.

Have fun blogging!