Monday 6 August 2012

The Vampire Women

I walked into the empty house It was dark and I was alone. I walked everywhere to find out who in the house. Suddenly, I heard someone said very angry " Who are you ? Why you come into my house ? ". The sound was from the room in front of me. I opened the door and then !! " Help Help " !!!!. I shouted because I saw women wore white shirt and her hair is very long like a ghost. She sit next to window. She said '' Why you shout very loud ? I'm not a ghost. I replied '' You're not a ghost ?? but why you do like a ghost ??. She asked me '' U see me like a ghost ??? I replied very fast '' Yes, because you wear a white shirt, your hair is very long like a ghost and your teeth is like vampire ''. She said '' I didn't come out the house about 1 year. I asked her '' Why you didn't come out the house ? '' She spoke very sad '' 1 year ago... , my teeth was very hurt, so i went to dentist. The dentist was very bad. The dentist wanted only money. He changed my teeth like vampire. When i wanted him to change back, he asked me to pay him 5000$. I don't have money, so I came back home. The next day, i went to the school, and my friend ask why i don't talk to them ? I talk to them and then they see my teeth. They're laugh and laugh. I tell them to stop laugh and i want to tell them the real story but they don't stop laughing. I run out of the school and go home. I don't come out home at that time until now. I asked her '' So, what food do you eat ? " She replied '' Everyday I eat only fruit '' . I said '' Don't worry I take you to my home because my dad is the dentist. She is very happy. I tell my dad about her story and my dad pity her very much. My dad try to change her teeth back to normal. Finally, Her teeth is normal. She said '' Thank you very much I will never forget you '' She come back to school and her friend is very surprised. Her teeth is very good than before. Her friend say sorry together to her. She said '' Never mind, We are friend forever '' . The End


Unknown said...

Vicheka, I do enjoy reading your posts!

Useful said...

Thank Teacher ! But I Think It's Not Good