Monday 30 July 2012

My First Fly

                    August the 23th in 2003 I had traveled to France with my family. In August the 22th we were packing our bags for the big day tomorrow but suddenly my dad had a phone call, my uncle call him and said'' Hey you have to get here faster'' he said '' My son has broken his arm.'' he said. So my dad went to my uncle house and saw my cousin was broken his arm then we brought him to the hospital. Then the doctor said '' He has broken his arm but it's alright cause i can make it into normal'' said the doctor. The next day had arrive so we went to France and when we were on our way to the airport my sister had a problem with her stomach so we went to the bathroom. Then finally we arrived in the airport. Then when we were checking-in my mother had forgot her passport!! So my uncle took my mother back to our house . Then when she came back we're checking-in and went into the airport. We have to wait half an our because we had lost one child in the airplane. So the guards were finding the child. They have looked everywhere but they didn't found the child so they decided to let the mother searched for the child. Then she found the child in the toy shop then went back to the airplane. Then the pilot started to took-off. When were on the plane i had to sat alone in the airplane because my seat number is different from my family. When we're on the plane I thought I could had some delicious food on the plane but I was shocked cause I only saw toast and some peanuts butter. Then I had some toast and a cup of coke. Then the pilot said fasten your seat belts cause we had a terrible weather on the ride so it gave a lot of people a shocked. It was raining and windy on the ride so everyone was scared. But suddenly the weather turn into normal and everybody were so glad it was okay.Then we had arrived in France but actually it was the worse thing that had happen to me in my life.   

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