Monday 30 July 2012

My funny person

My happiness person that I met and I know was VISAL. He is very funny and he is friendly. He studied with me at Khmer school at Beltei. I studied with him just for 1 year.

When class was so quiet, he always said something which is funny but it not a bad word. Sometime, he laugh like crazy people but it just for fun. He's good dance and singing. When our class had party, he always dance with his friends and sang together very happy and funny. In class, he always did stupid face that I hate but it really funny which made me and my friends laugh. And also sometime when I met him I really wanted to laugh. But he's not really good at studying. During studying, he always talk with his friends loudly and our teachers blame him all the times, but never angry sometimes he laughs with his friends when teachers finished blaming him. He is the happiness and stupid friends that I knew. Our class will quiet when he was absent. But when he absents, the hole class are easy to study because no one talk during studying.

Today is my new class at Beltei in grade 9 and I made him again. So today what else that he will made me and my friends laugh again and I will see it...

That all of my story and I hope you will enjoy reading and comment on my blog. Bye!!!


The Invincible Dragons said...

Nice post Nika.....

Smart Group said...

Good story

Dream said...

Thank you Mini Lovable and avengers...