Monday 30 July 2012


Well,  I have met one friend that happiest person He name is Jack He alway happy all the time. I like him so much . All the time when i bored or sad he alway play with me and do everything that he can make me smile. He alway tell me the jokes..He alway give me an advice with a joke.I listen it i don't know why all the word that he say to me is can make me smile or sometime laugh.I think that he is Mr.happiest because all the word that he said is make me smile and laugh.I just think maybe he never sad .Maybe i have a good friend like him i can laugh        
 everyday :-).All the joke that he tell me is very happy!! and it can make feel happy after listen his joke.
I wish that all people around me happy the same him everyday !! :)


Banana said...

Good job.

dom said...

Well done