Monday 30 July 2012

Awesome Dude!

umm.... let's me tell you about the one that's make me full of happiest and the most crazy people that i ever met.

By the way, her name's chloe. 15 years old. she's older then me. she's helpful, kind, funny, crazy, talkative, clever...

We're just know each other about a year, but we're already a best friend. we know each other feeling, let's say everything...
we're always spent our weekend with each other, have lots of fun.
You know what! last night we joined the birthday party of my other best friend...

we're sang lots of songs, dance like nobody here, but there is about 14 people in the party, but all of my closest friends, we ate ,drank...from 3pm-8pm we're had lots of fun. we're all lost the power. :D but i really enjoy last night, I'm not going forget about it what we had did, NO matter what!

Even we're not in the same class, she's 1 grade higher then me, but we're still best friend forever of mine!!!

I'm really enjoy with this life that i have got one of the most happiest friend that i ever met.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the good story, Aulissa?

Are you crazy, too?


Simpsons said...

yeah! maybe, :D