Monday 23 July 2012

The Scary Day

 I was standing in front of the cave's entrance. Around the cave, there were seven different signs warning people to keep out. I wondered what could be in there. I had a flash light so I decided to go inside the cave. When I was in the cave, I felt a little bit scared. There was very dark in the cave. In the cave had a lot of rocks and suddenly I heard a lot noise of an animal. When I turn to the left I saw a skeleton of a dead person, so I felt very nervous now. I decided to ran out the cave, when I was running I heard a noise of an animal again and I turned to the back to see what it is. It is a big bear, It looked angry with me and I continued to ran but the big bear followed me accidentally I fell down, the bear was nearer to me now. I try to ran with all my energy and now I was at the outside of the cave with many bats around me. I try to fight it and it gone and the bear also gone.
 When I reached home. I told this story to my mom and I promised that I will keep out from the place that has a warning sign.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is a short story, but it is good!