Monday, 23 July 2012

The Ancient Cave

One day I went to camping with my family. We cook some foods, buy some chips, and water. Then, we started to walk through the old mountain to find a place for camping. I walk alone because my parents tired and they're pretty far from me.

I was standing in front of the cave's entrance. Around the cave, there were different sighs warning people to keep out from the cave. I wondered what could be in there. I had a flashlight so I want to go in and see what in there. I walk slowly to the cave's entrance. I went in! There was lots of cobwebs and the old ancient letter on the wall. I touch it and it's full of dirt. Then, I heard the sound of the man call my name loudly. I turn around and the man run to me. It's was my father! My soul come back. He tell me to keep way from the cave. And I told him about the ancient structure on the wall. Then, he told me an history about this mountain. It's was a very long story. The structure was painted by the king in 1672 when he was hide in the war. 

So I think it's Khmer possessions and we going to protect it. Also, there was lots of temple for tourist to visited. So we have to protect all of the things that the old century people brings us. This is my interesting camping and history.


Unknown said...

Nice job, Rothanik!

Smart Group said...

Thanks, teacher.

Dream said...

interesting story and good writing avengers

Smart Group said...

this story is great....>.<