Monday 27 August 2012

The day i spent with my grandfather

On Monday 22th of December is the that i spent my hold day with my grandfather.When i arrived at his house he asked me what did You want for your breakfast.I say just sandwich and coke.So he took a sandwich and put it in an oven for 5miniute for it to warm so i can ate my sandwich.Then i watched TV with him until 10:30 and i asked him can we went to the cinema and he said no, you can't.But we can go shopping until we ate our lunch.On 12:00 he asked me would you like a fry rice for your lunch,i said we eat our lunch already and we went to shopping.when we was shopping i bought lots of thing like chocolate,cake,ice cream,chip milk,and coke.So we came back and ate the food that we bought at shopping.Until 4 o'clock i came outside the house and went to play football.I been playing football for nearly 1 hour and i very tired.So i came back and take a shower an ate my cake and i play my computer game and my grandfather watch TV.On 8 o' clock my parent came to take me and my grandfather to ate dinner.When we arrived at my grandfather house my parent asked me do you wanted to sleep at your grandfather house i said yes.So my parent went home.So i took a shower than play my computer game until 1 o'clock.And i went to sleep.

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