Monday 27 August 2012

*The day With My GrandFather*

*You spent the day with your grandfather. Tell about your day.

Last week at 9:00 AM my parents took me to my grandfather house and they left me there then they went to the super market to buy somethings. At 9:10 AM me and my grandfather talked about my sisters and parents then I went to his library for read some books and he went there too me and my grandfather read book for along time and talked about the stories or anything for fun. At 11:00 me and my grandfather went to a restaurant that near my grandfather house to eat some thing. When we arrived there ordered some delicious food then we ate together it was very very fun we ate for until 11:59 AM then we came back home. My grandfather house had a lot of game stuff but he can't play it then I played the video game on his TV and he watched me play the game then at 01:00 PM I got bored of game then my grandfather told me Ghost Stories. I'm very frightened. Until my grandfather already told me and i felt asleep. I decided to slept on Sofa. When i woke up I'm in my house. I'm felt bad because i came home without saying goodbye to him
The End

1 comment:

dom said...

well done nice post