Monday 27 August 2012

The manager's snow

Long ago, there was a snow on the ground on my school. It was a beautiful snow. And I never saw a snow on the ground of my school. When I and my friends saw this, we was very happy and very very surprised and it was my first time for see this. I and my friends will play on that snow every morning but every afternoon after school, we stopped played on the snow. It was a lovely place. The snow belonged to a manager of my school but no one had seen him around for that time. The manager's snow was beautiful. In winter, there were snowy hills to slide down and frozen ponds to skate on. The manager had been away for two years, but one winter's day, he returned. When the manager saw all the children such as I and my friend and all students on his snow, he was angry. " What are you doing on my snow?"he shouted. He was glad when the children ran away. He did not want our skating on his snow, he wanted the pretty snow all to himself. He was a very selfish manager. Then he built a high wall around his snow and he put up a sign that said" now the children could not longer play in the garden." Than the spring came. But on in the manager's snow was still winter. Everyday the manager looked out of his window and hoped to see sign of the spring, but it was always winter." i cannot understand why spring is so late?" said the manager. But one day he woke up and heard some music. It was a robin singing. When the manager looked out of his window he saw that spring on his garden. When he think clearly, he dropped down all his wall and he told I and my friends: you could play on this now. When I heard so I and my friend was very glad and we said to the manager" Thanks you".

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