Monday, 3 September 2012

Advantages of blogging

The blog has more popular around the world. Many people use the blog to promote something or write some topic that they want. The blogger can see other blogger. They share their writing very well. The student can write on blog at free time. About me It is the last blog for YL 10 at ACE school, so I describe about advantage of blog. There are many advantages of blogging.

First If we write on blog, our writing will improve. Sometime we can see other blogger, so we can know their writing and writing style. It's mean sharing knowledge of writing skill. We should watch other writing, and we analyze other writing to our writing. Specially We can know some different word from other blogger. In addiction It can improve our reading too. When we sign in the blog, we should watch some topic in blog.

In my conclusion, I think I improve a lots. It maybe has lots of important about blogging. If you have free time, you should write some topic on blog. Finally, I should say thank to other blogger in YL 10 who read my topic and made some commend for me. Specially I thank to our teacher Phillip who teach us about blogging. I'm happy to blog.