Monday, 3 September 2012

Internet User

Internet is a very useful community for peoples around the world. Billion peoples on earth use Internet. The Internet first invented by J.C.R LickLider in 1962 and start to set a global network in 1969. Since then people around the world starting to use the Internet.
We knows that Internet helps up with lots of things. So we have to use it in a good ways and get the benefit results from it. But although some of peoples use it in different ways. So there are Prons and Cons of using Internet user.
People always use internet to open a websites or links. Also, students can surf for some works or discover something
. Many user use it for searching on some beauty and healthy tips. And also, some tourists can search on some places for holiday, transports or a plane tickets. Some business man use it to achieve their goal or works. And they're also use it in many useful things. It's a advantages of Internet usage.
Now, the technology is more invented and modern. Also, many people using internet is more increase. Anyway, peoples although use it in bad way and addicted. Some peoples use for online games o
r sexual images or videos. Importantly, they wasted their money on that things. For kids, they use Internet for games and they addicted. They forget to do their works and effect their eyes. So, its the disadvantages of Internet users.
There are a prons and cons of Internet. So, we have to use it in a good way and get benefits from it.


Rita said...

why don't u put your label?

Malen said...

It is a great work

Malin said...

Nice Post..

Rita said...

sorry .. it was my fault. it's because I don't look carefully

Malen said...

Rita what fault?

Malen said...

Rita what fault?

Smart Group said...

Rita@ That Okay. Don't fault yourself.. But next time you have to watch carefully before you comment.. :D

Smart Group said...

Malen@ Thanks bb .. U also done a good post ^^